Today, the Union of Defenders of Ukraine signed a memorandum of cooperation with the State Employment Service in the Kyiv region, represented by its head, Denys Georgievich Darmostuk, in the direction of helping veterans, their families, and war disabled people to open their own business. In the conditions of a full-scale war, one of the most important tasks of the state is the protection of combatants and persons with disabilities acquired as a result of the war. We have to facilitate their adaptation and transition from a military career to civilian life as much as possible. Many soldiers actually lost their peacetime jobs. So, after they return from the front, they need to be adapted, taught, and given new knowledge and skills. Resolution No. 984 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated September 15, 2023 “On the implementation of an experimental project on the organization of vocational training of combatants and persons with disabilities as a result of the war in vocational (vocational and technical) education institutions of the State Employment Service” (entered into force on September 19, 2023 ) approved the procedure for the implementation of the specified experimental project. This is very important, we have to help our defenders adapt to a new peaceful life. We also worked out a vision of joint measures for cooperation in the implementation of active programs, namely, the grant program for veterans and their family members to create or develop their own business “eRobota. One’s own business” and the right to receive a voucher for training to acquire a new profession or improve one’s qualifications. Attention was drawn to the importance and necessity of conducting information and consultation activities regarding these programs. We plan to hold joint presentation events, trainings, seminars and conferences for our veterans who wish to receive grants for starting or developing their own business. The memorandum also provides for: – raising the level of awareness of the services of the Kyiv Regional Employment Service for veterans and their family members; – exchange of information regarding the possibility of training under a voucher; – organization of vocational training and/or accommodation during the training period of the registered unemployed; – providing information and consulting work on the implementation of a grant program for the creation or development of their own business for participants in hostilities, persons with disabilities as a result of the war and their family members, who work in the direction of increasing the country’s defense capabilities; – development of joint projects for obtaining grants for national and international programs in the social sphere; – conducting joint events: job fairs, trainings, seminars, practical classes, round tables, with the aim of informing about state programs to support small and medium-sized businesses. Ensuring comprehensive support for persons who defended the state as part of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and their family members is the primary task of the employment service today. We are in constant dialogue and are determined to constructive cooperation with organizations that take care of the issues of veterans and their families. I am sure that our cooperation will be successful.